martes, 13 de julio de 2021

Postgraduate Studies

I haven’t actually searched for a course to do after what I am now doing, but I have a lot of ideas of things to do, but I can’t probably do all of these, cause they are very different areas. So, if I allow myself to dream, I would like to do postgraduates in different things and approaches, like maybe archeology art, museums things, but my other side, really likes scientific things, so I enjoy the laboratory work, so maybe do some postgraduates in bioanthropology or forensic even.

I suppose that the firsts postgraduates I will do in Chile, but the ideal is do it abroad, totally, in that way, I can take advantage of learning and speak another language, like I say in another blog, my dream it would be a postgraduate in Greece.

The modality that I would ideally to study is in a full time and presential form, to in this ways to live the entire experience of live in another country, live with roommates that will also studying, from other countries, to explore another university where I could have others courses that I could maybe do, I understand that this is like the dream, and all can be better if I could have a scholarship, but if this is not like that, It would have to be in a part time course, so in that way I can have time to have a work the rest of the time, what is not bad either.

My Future Job

Well, to start, I don’t want to have a job really, but like you can’t don’t job, cause capitalism and I’m already studying, I would really like to job in something that I'd enjoy. I don’t know what specifically, but I think that I would like to do excavations, to been discover things and objects all the time, something that make me think and reflex constantly. I really like outdoor activities, so the archeologist field work is would I like to do, or maybe archeological rescue, to find bones, maybe work on a laboratory it will not be too bad either. But something that makes me to travel a lot would be good, cause in archeology rescues you have to go to places, like the desert, or the beach, big fields, work on roads, or different places where once a humans lived. About the salary, that is a complicated thing, cause although, there is job in archeology rescues, these usually are to transnationals, so there depends on your ethics for job stability and the good salary that you want to have.

But if there is something that I would love to do is project me in more studies and majors cause if I am honestly, I enjoy more study that doing work sometimes, so I wish to stay a few years more in the university and hopefully some majors abroad. But I don't really think a lot of what I will finally going to do, the life is rare, so I don’t want to have expectations of what maybe can happen in the future or the people who I am going to meet for a future work.

lunes, 24 de mayo de 2021

The food that I really like

This is kind difficult to me, cause I don't like to much to eat, like anything. But fries are the most superior food of the world, without a doubt. Well, as you probably know, fries, are potatoes, and to cook it you first have to slice the potatoes in thin, then to soak them in cold water to wash, at the same time you have to put to heat the oil in a pan. While, you wait for the oil to be hot enough (if you don't know how to know if the oil is ready, you can put a piece of potato, and if there are bubbles around it, it's ready), you have to dry the potatoes, that so that when you put them in the oil, you doesn't get burned with the droplets. Fry them, and it depends on you if you like them crunchier or not, how long you leave the potatoes, but I recommends about 5-10 minutes and don't overcrowd them by placing too many at time, cause it will be more slow. To finish, you retired from the oil, dry, put them salt, and serve. (I sometimes put them garlic powder)
I don't have reasonable arguments of why I love fries, they are just perfect, delicious, crunchies, salty, you can eat them with ketchup, mustard, mayonaisse, guacamole, caramelized onion, and anything that you can imagine, they are vegan , simply perfect. I think that the only bad thing that they have it's that cook it sometimes is tedious, but at the end, they worth it.
The impact that they have in me, it's absolutly not good, cause they have so many calories and fat, but now in this modern world, you can do it in the oven, or if you have that air fryers, better. And don't forget that they are vegetables yet, so tey shouldn't be so bad (I think).

Patatas fritas caseras CRUJIENTES y PERFECTAS - Cocina Casera


Well, my life is very cringe in general, but if I have to choose one scene in specific, I remeber once, when I was 11 years old. I was in the school, where they do the typical aniversary partys and competences, where you have to sing or dance, and decorate according to a theme, like movies or countries. Whatever, I don't remember what was the theme that time, but I volunteered to sing in a contest called "Canta a Acapella", (bad decision) like the name say, I supposed that I have to sing acapella, so I learned the song (that was "Corre" by Jesse Joy, yes, more cringe) without the musical base.
The day of the competition arrived, and like the child I was, I went with a very cute dress and stuff, I stood in front of the whole school, and the base start to play, I remember my desire of want to die in that moment, I never rehearsed the song like a karaoke, so I didn't know when to start sing, or when was the interlude part, I obviously forgot the lyric and I stood there, immobile, I was so ashamed, and I just wanted it to end quick. I try every day to forget this part of my life, and I really don't remember it like a funny moment it was totally cringe.

lunes, 26 de abril de 2021

The best holidays ever

My best holidays were in December of 2017, I went to the south of Chile with my family and my ex boyfriend. First we arrived by car in Puerto Montt, and there we shipped to Puerto Chacabuco, we were aboard more than 24 hours. From there we started traveling along the Carretera Austral to Coyaique, that was the first stop were we stayed a few days, then we stopped to host in Puerto Rio Tranquilo and finally in Cochrane. It was many days of travel, approximately 15.
We visited a lot of different and beautiful places, among those, my favorites were the Cerro Castillo National Park, the General Carrera Lake with it's Capilla de Marmol nature sanctuary, the Baker river, and the most glorious glaciar of Laguna San Rafael National Park, we did a lot of other things, but that was the best of, because allowed me to see inhospitable and desolate landscapes. But the most magical thing that I saw on the highway was the to see an untamed and wild huemul.
It's important to know that when you go there and if you want to do more extreme activities, you have to be in a good physical condition, especially for the rafting in a rushing river and the trekking through the glaciers, what I think are essentials, but I couldn't do it cause my mom was ill when we went. So I hope to return some day.

lunes, 19 de abril de 2021

A country I would like to visit...

There is a lot of countries that I would like to visit, but if I have to choose one, lately, I was with the idea of visit Greece. That because, it is a country with a lot of culture, and it is like cradle of knowledge, the history of the western human was born there, so the nerdy part of me make me want to go to a country that have a lot of information.

I really don't know so much about Greece, but one time I heard about a neighborhood call "Exarchia" that it's in central Athens, it is renowned for being the historical core of radical political and intellectual activism, also in there is the National Archaeological Museum of Athens, a place that an anthropology student shouldn't miss. And obviously being able to know it's paradisiacal beaches, that are just some of thing that I will like to do in there.

I been having the idea of maybe go to Greece for study, it would be a dream to have an archeology study program in some Greece university. But, I think that I could never go to live outside of South America like permanently.

Exarchia: How Airbnb angered Greek anarchists - BBC News 



National Archaeological Museum Sets its Sights on Victory for 2020 - Greece  Is 

National Archaeological Museum of Athens

Postgraduate Studies

I haven’t actually searched for a course to do after what I am now doing, but I have a lot of ideas of things to do, but I can’t probably do...