lunes, 24 de mayo de 2021

The food that I really like

This is kind difficult to me, cause I don't like to much to eat, like anything. But fries are the most superior food of the world, without a doubt. Well, as you probably know, fries, are potatoes, and to cook it you first have to slice the potatoes in thin, then to soak them in cold water to wash, at the same time you have to put to heat the oil in a pan. While, you wait for the oil to be hot enough (if you don't know how to know if the oil is ready, you can put a piece of potato, and if there are bubbles around it, it's ready), you have to dry the potatoes, that so that when you put them in the oil, you doesn't get burned with the droplets. Fry them, and it depends on you if you like them crunchier or not, how long you leave the potatoes, but I recommends about 5-10 minutes and don't overcrowd them by placing too many at time, cause it will be more slow. To finish, you retired from the oil, dry, put them salt, and serve. (I sometimes put them garlic powder)
I don't have reasonable arguments of why I love fries, they are just perfect, delicious, crunchies, salty, you can eat them with ketchup, mustard, mayonaisse, guacamole, caramelized onion, and anything that you can imagine, they are vegan , simply perfect. I think that the only bad thing that they have it's that cook it sometimes is tedious, but at the end, they worth it.
The impact that they have in me, it's absolutly not good, cause they have so many calories and fat, but now in this modern world, you can do it in the oven, or if you have that air fryers, better. And don't forget that they are vegetables yet, so tey shouldn't be so bad (I think).

Patatas fritas caseras CRUJIENTES y PERFECTAS - Cocina Casera


Well, my life is very cringe in general, but if I have to choose one scene in specific, I remeber once, when I was 11 years old. I was in the school, where they do the typical aniversary partys and competences, where you have to sing or dance, and decorate according to a theme, like movies or countries. Whatever, I don't remember what was the theme that time, but I volunteered to sing in a contest called "Canta a Acapella", (bad decision) like the name say, I supposed that I have to sing acapella, so I learned the song (that was "Corre" by Jesse Joy, yes, more cringe) without the musical base.
The day of the competition arrived, and like the child I was, I went with a very cute dress and stuff, I stood in front of the whole school, and the base start to play, I remember my desire of want to die in that moment, I never rehearsed the song like a karaoke, so I didn't know when to start sing, or when was the interlude part, I obviously forgot the lyric and I stood there, immobile, I was so ashamed, and I just wanted it to end quick. I try every day to forget this part of my life, and I really don't remember it like a funny moment it was totally cringe.

Postgraduate Studies

I haven’t actually searched for a course to do after what I am now doing, but I have a lot of ideas of things to do, but I can’t probably do...